Monet Recruit offers the following services other than recruitment service.


Support for foreign government procedures related to the accepting and sending of Specified Skilled Worker (caregivers)


We provide Japanese employers (accepting organization) with total support for the Accepting Organization Accreditation and Registration Procedure required by Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) and Migrant Workers Office (MWO) Tokyo in the Philippine Embassy in Japan:

Preparation of documents (in English) for submission to MWO Tokyo

Response to verification by MWO Tokyo of submitted documents (e.g., corrections and additions to documents submitted)

Interpretation for interview (between MWO Tokyo representatives and accepting organization representatives in English)

Only after the accreditation procedure is finally completed by DMW, Monet Recruit, together with QRD International Placement Inc. (our affiliated DMW certified sending organization in Manila) can provide services such as recruiting, interviewing and hiring candidates.


General Office for Labor and Social Welfare Services, Ministry of Labor and Social Protection (GOLWS) is directly responsible for sending and accepting of Mongolian workers under SSW Program (i.e. the only sending organization for SSW).

Monet Recruit is to enter into a “bilateral contract” with GOLWS.

Under this agreement, Monet Recruit can search SSW applicant information provided by GOLWS through its computer system.

Monet Recruit provides services such as screening of applicants out of computer search, interview and hiring.

Monet Recruit’s affiliate staff company in Ulaanbaatar provides local support for the above services such as applicant screening, interview and hiring.


Support for efficient learning of specialized Japanese languages, etc.  and for acquiring national qualifications

– Nursing care

Monet Recruit supports SSW caregiver’s learning by using its proprietary methods and materials, so that nursing care homes could achieve the retention of employment after they employed those SSW caregivers.

-Efficient development of Japanese reading ability N4/N3 level (JLPT N4/N3 preparation)

– Efficient development of Japanese reading ability N2 level and Kanji vocabulary for nursing care terminology (preparation for the national exam of certified care worker)

-Efficient development of Japanese listening and speaking skills at N3 level (for communication on site of nursing care home )

*Monet Recruit does not provide support services of Registered SSW support organization, which is a part of the Specified Skilled Worker (SSW) Program. However, we can help SSW accepting organizations train their own Support manager and Support staff, so that they can offer their own supports to SSW caregivers without outsourcing it to Registered SSW support organization.

-System development

In offshore development, accurate communication between Japanese system vendor and  overseas programmer contractor is above all necessary and critical. Monet Recruit supports Bridge System Engineers (BSE), who act as a bridge between the two contract parties, in learning specialized Japanese language necessary for teamwork at the system development site in its proprietary way. We also provide Japanese vendor and/or overseas programmer contractor with support services to make internal development of such BSE talents.


Support for Digital Transformation (DX) Promotion

– What is DX

DX is the continuous process of enhancing corporate value by providing new products and services and even transforming business models through the use of rapidly developing digital technologies, ultimately leading to the transformation of corporate culture. For this reason, DX involves the entire company, not just a few departments such as IT department.

– Therefore, to make DX promotion successful, it is essential for top management to clearly define the objectives of DX, to deeply commit to the DX process, and to disseminate DX goals from time to time throughout the company.

And, those people who play the role of promoting DX are digital talents, also known as “translator”. These are people who, on top of understanding the company’s businesses and business processes, can show what problems can be solved and how by using digital technologies. In other words, they are people who understand both businesses and digital, and can interpret and bridge between the two.

-DX promotion supports

In addition to hiring digital talents from outside the company, it is also effective to retrain employees within the company and develop them by reinforcing their digital knowledge.

Monet Recruit provides top management of medium-sized companies with advice on DX implementation, and also supports the internal development of digital talents.

Nisyo Corporation, the provider of the Monet Recruit Service, is also engaged in development, manufacture, and sale of its own brand products as well as e-commerce (online shopping under the Monet Fav brand). Therefore, we are pleased to announce the following information for nursing care homes, one of the main targets of Monet Recruit Service.


Nisyo Corporatio has partnered with more than 30 nursing care homes across Japan, and can deliver nursing care equipment and materials (disposable gowns, gloves, etc.) at very low prices. This is bulk sales and offers great savings. Please see below for the price list, which requires a password that is put in DM. If you are interested, please request for the password from the contact form.

Go to Price List